TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The romanian orthodox church at the beginning of the Stalinist Regime: the social apostolate and the missionary guidance classes in Cluj
The study aims to analyze the impact that the Stalinist Regime established in Bucharest in the late ‘40 had on the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Church position, viewed in the light of the attitudes and actions of the two successive patriarchs, Nicodim Munteanu and Justinian Marina. Special consideration was given to the position of the last of the two patriarchs and the manner in which he attempted to respond to the challenges and pressures of the government, in order to ensure the survival of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the main focus being on two aspects of the ecclesiastical policy of Patriarch Justinian Marina, in fact the main points of the program expressed since the enthronement: the social apostolate and the missionary guidance classes (as in Cluj).