TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Abba Cassian the Sabaite vs Saint John Casian? Or about the “revelations” of the Codex Metamorphosis 573
In this article, the author summarizes the study of the Greek professor Panayiotis Tzamalikos regarding the Codex Metamorphosis 573. According to him, all the writings of the Codex Metamorphosis 573 belong to the monk Cassian the Roman, as he writes on the first page of the codex. A key element of Tzamalikos is the note on page 290, the last of the manuscript, which would state the paternity of the hieromonk Cassian the Sabaite on an exegetical writing included in the manuscript (Scholia in Apocalypsin) which reproduces passages from Didymus, Clement of Alexandria and Theodoret of Cyrus. According to the Greek professor, the author of the Scholia and other ascetic writings in Codex 573 is another Cassian than the well-known St. John Cassian the Roman, a monk who was the apprentice of the great Antiochian teachers (Diodorus of Tarsus, John Chrysostom, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret of Cyrus) and of Saint Sabbas himself. He was an intellectual of Antiochian extraction, who was born in Scythopolis around 470 and died as abbot of the famous Lavra of Saint Sabbas, on July 20th, 578.