TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Archimandrite Ioan and Anthim the Iberian

IOAN ST. LAZĂR, Archimandrite Ioan and Anthim the Iberian
Cooperation between the Archimandrite Ioan, the abbot from Hurezu, and Anthim the Iberian, the
Bishop from Râmnic, started (we presume) in 1705, when Anthim was enthroned at Râmnic, and materialized in 1706, when, with the fi nancial support from Archimandrite Ioan, Anthim the Iberian prints,
at Râmnic, Adunare Slujbei a Adormirii Născătoarei de Dumnezeu cu Paraclisul de obşte. The fruitful
cooperation between Archimandrite Ioan and Anthim the Iberian while he was bishop of Râmnic was
also consistent and important in the fi eld of founding Brancovan monasteries. To Anthim the Iberian,
Archimandrite Ioan will be most helpful in his endeavour of learning, mastering and creatively highlighting
elements from Brancovan art, with its resources of tradition and innovations of the time. In turn, for
Archimandrite Ioan, Anthim the Iberian will be an interlocutor of the same guild of artists-scholars.
KEYWORDS: Archimandrite Ioan, Anthim the Iberian, Hurezi, Brancovan art, the art of printing