TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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The ambivalence of the name ADAM and the consequences of its ignoring in the judeo-christian doctrine


Based on the unity and equality that women and men acquire through Christ, the author argues in this text, interpreting the Old Testament passages that this unity already existed in the first Adam. The two beings were originally one = ADAM and then separated , one is still called Adam ( man ) and the other "woman" or Eve, as Adam calls her. Both women and men are together like God. Likeness of God is not only a fact of the human creature, but it must lead a struggle to complete the resemblance, struggle for which man is endowed with all the characteristic qualities of the person. These gifts functioned properly until the fall of the forefathers. The whole history of the people of Israel confirms human downfall and fading of the ability to see and understand the will of his Creator. The books that follow the genesis impose severe laws that demean women (Leviticus, Deuteronomy) . After the wonderful mystical union between man and woman in the exegesis of Genesis, oppression is enacted. In such an environment, the intervention of God in history had to put a barrier to all segregation, to awaken consciences towards a spiritualization of the interpersonal relationships. The message of Christ abounds in condemning selfishness, Judaic materialism, Jews superficiality in interpreting the divine law, oppression of the weak and, altogether, it reminds society that all men are brothers and brothers to their sister-women too, that there is no other superiority than serving God and the neighbor.

Keywords: Adam, man, woman , unity, discrimination, Christ