TABOR - Tradition and Contemporaneity in the Romanian Orthodox Church
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Through the decisions of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church from November 4, 2005 and January 17-18, 2006, the Metropolitan Church of Cluj, Alba, Crișana and Maramureș was founded, a structure meant to dynamize the church life in this part of the country. The new mitropoly was officially inaugurated on March 25, 2006. Tabor Magazine, a publication of Romanian culture and spirituality, has been issued since April 2007, and its establishment was occasioned by the founding of the Metropolitan See of Cluj, Alba, Crișana and Maramureș. The magazine appears under the aegis of this mitropoly. The name of the magazine was also explained as an acrostic in the form: "Tradiţie şi Actualitate în Biserica Ortodoxă Română" (Tradition and Actuality in the Romanian Orthodox Church). The publication was founded in April 2007 by Metropolitan and writer Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania as a magazine of spirituality, culture and civic attitude, designed to reflect, on one hand, the theology of the Church and the religious life in these lands, and on the other hand the dynamics of social and cultural life on national level.
As a hierarch, but also as a writer and man of culture, Metropolitan Bartolomeu felt the need for a publication to appear under the auspices of the Church but to which cultured people could also take part. Tabor Magazine, as a publication of culture and spirituality, was therefore conceived as a forum for the encounter and dialogue between theology and culture in the broadest sense, respectively theology and art or theology and science. Since April 2007 it appears, monthly, uninterrupted.
During this time, on one hand, ordinary issues were published, on many and various subjects, in which we find sections such as: Theologica, Essay, Chronicle, Evocations, Interview, Document, Restitutions or Reviews, but, on the other hand, some very successful thematic issues were also published, the topics being chosen so that they lend themselves to an interdisciplinary approach.
Thus,  there were issues about Mount Athos, the Icon, the Bible, about Communism, Popular Traditions, Islam, Religion in Europe, the Holy Land, Constantinople, the Burning Bush, the Edict of Milan, Religion and science, the Great Union etc., but also issues dedicated to some personalities of the church world, with a predilection to culture, or to cultured people with a predilection to the religious universe, such as: Metropolitan Andrei Șaguna, Metropolitan Anthim the Iberian, Metropolitan Bartolomeu Anania, Gala Galaction, Nicolae Steinhardt, Nichifor Crainic, Mircea Eliade, Nae Ionescu, Ioan Alexandru, Vasile Avram or Dimitrie Cantemir.
The magazine as a whole, but especially the thematic issues had a wide echo in the church, but also in the cultural world in general, being considered important contributions to the approached field.
Tabor Magazine is listed in the CEEOL international database.
Currently, the magazine has a circulation of 1400 copies and is distributed, by subscription, to all Orthodox parishes in the Metropolitan Church of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj. It is also distributed to many cultured people, writers, academics, hierarchs or other people in the Church, in the country or abroad, according to a list established by the decision-making forums of the magazine. At the same time, the magazine is sent to various subscribers in the country or abroad who have requested a subscription.
The magazine, as a publication of the Mitropoly of Cluj, or various thematic issues of it, have been the subject of reviews by theologians, journalists or cultured people, reviews published either in various magazines in Cluj or in national or international magazines. Tabor magazine was also presented at national or international symposia held in our country, symposia with an interdisciplinary theme (theology and medicine, for example) or with a journalistic theme (related to the Romanian press, for example).
In Tabor magazine all articles are published in Romanian, but have abstracts in English, accompanied by keywords.
There are several authors (teachers at the "Babeș-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca) who have assumed the role of editors of the magazine, co-opting for certain issues of the magazine various authors for a specific topic and organizing the issue.